Abas Muzi


Web Developer.
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I build custom web apps for businesses

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About Me

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I'm a software developer, my name is muzi, probably you saw that already. I specialise on web development, building applications that foster business and client relations, such as blog apps, personal websites, e-commerce, landing pages, web based podcasts and chat apps. Seeing the importance that optometrists are playing in our daily lives, especially in today's society where people work online, study digitaly, and engage on screen hobbies such as video games and video streamming. People who are experts on eye health are extremely valuable. Seeing the urgent need of services from eye experts, I decided to venture on a journey to help optometrists navigate effortlassely through the ever evolving digital space, and offer to help more people access their services.

  • My Stack:
    html, css, javascript, react, git & github, bootstrap, nodejs, mysql, mongoDb, express.js, tailswind & figma.


Web Design

Modern, sleek and elegant designs that offers users an intuitive experience.


Custom web development tailored to your specifications, from websites, blogs, e-commerce to delivery and tracking applications.

Mobile App

Transform your ideas to a real world mobile app that provides your users with an intuitive and seamless feel.


Landing Page

Pandent Landing Page

Captivating landing page showcasing latest wood pandents, with a light fuctionality to click and light up.


Itebeng Optometry

A joy to build this beautiful, intuitive website for an optometrist. Elegant with animations and engaging content.


A To-Do App

Never lose track of your tasks to do for the day. You can carry them with you and access them from anywhere, with your phone or tablet.


Bakery Online Store

A modern take on this unique baker store. The aim was on the user experience. Make the custormer feel as though he/she is walking directly to the store entrance.


React Note App

A react project for taking down notes. Delete, Update and Create your notes on the go.

Contact Me

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